Making decisions about who to trust, and how much to spend for technology services has never been more confusing.

If you head up an I.T. department at your company, or you’re the office manager of a small business, one sad truth is the same – what you’re spending money on today is (or should be) VERY different from what it was even 2 years ago! We have great news for you – we just surveyed I.T. cyber security and support companies all across North America, and we are excited to share the results with you.

Join us as we look “behind the curtains” at what I.T. support and tool costs should be for small and large businesses.!

On October 22 2021, we broke down exactly what I.T. services and tools the top industry experts say you need, what companies and manufacturers are charging, and how much they should be costing you to implement in your business.

During This Webinar You’ll Discover:

* What the “NEW” tools are that you need, what tools we no longer need, and what they all cost.
* The 3 most common ways IT services companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach.
* A common billing model that puts ALL THE RISK on you, the customer, when buying IT services; you’ll learn what it is and why you need to avoid agreeing to it.
* Exclusions, hidden fees and other “gotcha” clauses IT companies put in their contracts that you DON’T want to agree to.
* How to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting to avoid disappointment, frustration and added costs later on that you didn’t anticipate.
* Critical questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, e-mail and data.
* What all these I.T. software tools really costing in our industry (so you can see if you’re paying too much), and which ones the experts agree that you definitely need.
* The SINGLE, LEAST EXPENSIVE solution every CEO, CIO, and IT Director have to have today or risk losing your Insurance coverage and potentially lose millions in a breach.

Who Should Watch This Webinar? C-Level executives and managers who are concerned about overpaying for IT services. CEO’s who need an informative guide to understand what IT support services should cost you. And, IT Directors who need a way to refresh how they explain the new and changing technology costs to their CEO’s.

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